Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What is Truth?

As humans we believe in many things. Believing in truth is the characteristics of civilized society. Believing the wrong concept like “earth is flat” doesn’t make any sense, it is same in the case of ‘the way of life’ or ‘belief about The God’. In Quran it states “By the time! Lo! Man is in a state of loss; Except those who have faith and do righteous deeds, and counsel each other to hold on to truth and counsel each other to be steadfast (103:1-3).
Counseling each other to hold on to the truth is inevitable for the development of the society. In1610 AD, Galileo stated his opinion in public that the sun is the center of the solar system for which he was punished by the mighty church system. Now we know what he said was a truth. Now, you may punish if somebody teaches your son that earth is the centre of solar system. So, what was the problem with the church that time? Answer is very simple, “closed mind!”
I request all of you to open your heart to listen to the truth as prayed by Moses
My Lord, expand my breast for me (Quran 20: 25)

Or as prayed by Ibrahim
Then, when the night outspread over him, he beheld a star, and said: 'This is my Lord.' But when it went down, he said: 'I do not love the things that go down.'
Then, when he beheld the moon rising, he said: 'This is my Lord!' But when it went down, he said: 'Were that my Lord did not guide me, I surely would have become among the people who have gone astray.' Then when he beheld the sun rising, he said: 'This is my Lord. This is the greatest of all.' Then, when it went down, he said: 'O my people! Most certainly 1 am quit of those whom you associate with Allah (The God) in His divinity.53 (Quran 6: 76-79)
If scientific truth is to be believed for our developmental well being, the same is true with any truth irrespective of the field of the truth, if it is logically explainable. Secularists say “All of the religions are truth. They are like many rivers which flow in to the same ocean”.
Let’s analyze this quotation.
If all the religions propagate the same thing, it will take us to the same destination. But, unfortunately, it is not
Consider the two statements
” there is no god, but The God” (as believed by Muslims)
“There are many gods” (as some Hindu’s claim).
God exists as three persons but is one. God means that God the Son and God the Holy Spirit have exactly the same nature or being as God the Father in every way” (as per the Christian belief).
 Do you think it is sane to believe that all of the above statements are true? I bet you will say no!
But, then why majority of the secular people say all the religions are truth? For them, ocean is goodness. If they say all the religion tell the people to be good, we can agree to some extent. (Why cannot we fully agree with that is because some religions teach criminalism like caste system as mentioned in “manusmruthi-The Hindu scripture) So we can conclude all the religions lead us to the ocean of goodness, but not to the ocean of truth and success.
So, how can we find the truth? Truth is already there! Open your heart and minds to accept it after logical analysis; as Quran says “……Those who, when they are admonished with the Signs of their Lord, droop not down at them as if they were deaf or blind” (Quran 25: 73)

Truth No. 1
God is only One.
I didn’t use the common usage “There is only one god” which unconsciously implies the existence of the concepts or chances of other god or gods! If there are two or more gods, they are not to be called as god. Logical explanation for this will be given for this reasoning.
Then who or what is God
In Quran, there are One Hundred attribute of gods.
One is that he is the creator. I took this attribute now to make this discussion easier. We cannot use or explain characteristics of God because we don’t have the language for that.
Creator God is different from creations. Some important differences between creator and creation are as follows.
Creatures Transform but the Creator not.
You, I, our body, universe all are changing or transforming, but the creator God doesn’t change. If he changes, we cannot call him God because he doesn’t know the future. He is out of the ‘Time and Space”
Quran stated in many times “He is the all knower, all wise”.
Creature is dependant and Creator is independent
We depend on many people, things to meet live our life, but The God is independent
Creatures are conditional Creator is unconditional
If we have to do or have something, it requires certain conditions. If we get rain, we will have good harvest. But for Allah (The God) it is not required. Satya Sai baba is claimed to be making watches and rings etc from the air, but he cannot make new thing as the creator does.
………He needs only command it to exist and it comes into existence. (Quran 19:35)
Creature has limitation and creator has no limitation
Humans, earth, sun, animal have limitations But the creator doesn’t have any limitation. As you know this endless universe is still expanding to the limit which we cannot imagine, then what would be the power of creator?
Creature are comparable and creator is not comparable
When someone says, “He is Powerful”; we understand he is powerful compared to other things. He is handsome, compared to others. But when we say about the power of god we say “He is The Powerful”, because beyond that there is no power. He is the ultimate. Allah doesn’t have a parable. If I say, Allah is like the stone, I am attributing the limitation to him. We can explain a concept only if we have the proper language for it. Allah has given us his beautiful names as I mentioned below. Each name denotes that he is ultimate in that. For example, he is forgiver, which means nobody can forgive as he does.
Asma ul Husna
1The only one Almighty. He alone is worthy of worship.
2 The Most Kind Ar Rahmanu
3 The Most Merciful Ar Raheemu
4 The King Al Maliku
5 The Pure Al Quddusu
6 The Giver of Peace As Salamu
7 The Giver of Safety Al Muminu
8 The Giver of Protection Al Muhaiminu
9 The Strong Al Azeezu
10 The Powerful Al Jabaaru
11 The Glorious Al Mutakabiru
12 The Creator Al Khaliqu
13 The Giver of Life Al Bariu
14 The Maker of Shapes Al Mussawiru
15 The Most Forgiving Al Ghafaru
16 The Powerful Al Qahharu
17 The Generous Al Wahabu
18 The Giver of Daily Bread Ar Razzaku
19 The Remover of Difficulty Al Fattahu
20 The All Knowing Al Aleemu
21 The One who makes less Al Qabizu
22 The One who Increases Al Basitu
23 The Humble Al Khafidu
24 The Exalter Ar Raffiu
25 The Giver of Honour Al Mu'izzu
26 The Abaser Al Mudhillu
27 The All Hearing As Sameeu
28 The All Seeing Al Baseeru
29 The Judge Al Hakamu
30 The Fair Al Adlu
31 The One who knows all secrets Al Lateefu
32 The Aware Al Khabeeru
33 The Gentle Al Haleemu
34 The Mighty Al Azeemu
35 The Forgiver of Sins Al Ghafooru
36 The Thankful Ash Shakooru
37 The High Al Aliyu
38 The Great One Al Khabeeru
39 The Protector Al Hafeezu
40 The One who accepts Dua Al Muqeetu
41 The One who rewards Al Haseebu
42 The Majestic Al Jaleelu
43 The Kind Al Kareemu
44 The Guardian Ar Raqeebu
45 The One who answers Al Mujeebu
46 The Enricher Al Wasiu
47 The Wise Al Hakeemu
48 The Loving Al Wadoodu
49 The Most Glorious Al Majeedu
50 The Resurector Al Baithu
51 The Witness Ash Shaheedu
52 The Truth Al Haqq
53 The Sustainer Al Wakeelu
54 The Strength Al Qawiyu
55 The Strong One Al Mateenu
56 The Guardian of Believers Al Waliiy
57 The Praiseworthy Al Hameedu
58 The Accounter of Deeds Al Muhsi
59 The Originator Al Mubdiu
60 The Bringer of Life Al Mu'eedu
61 The Creator of Life Al Muhyi
62 The Taker of Life Al Mummetu
63 The Ever Living Al Hayyu
64 The Eternal Al Qayyumu
65 The Inventor Al Wajidu
66 The Dazzling Al Majidu
67 The Only One Al Wahidu
68 The One Al Ahadu
69 The Satisfier of all Needs As Samad
70 The One with Authority Al Qaadiru
71 The Creator of All Power Al Muktadiru
72 The One who causes advancement Al Muqaddimu
73 The Delayer Al Muakhkhiru
74 The First Al Awwalu
75 The Last Al Aakhiru
76 The Manifest Az Zahiru
77 The Hidden Al Baatinu
78 The Protecting Friend Al Walee
79 The Supreme Al Muta'alee
80 The Righteous Al Barru
81 The Hearer of Repentance At Tawwabu
82 The Avenger Al Muntaqimu
83 The Pardener Al Afuu
84 The Affectionate Ar Rauffu
85 The Owner of Sovereighty Maalikul Mulki
86 Owner of Majesty and Beauty Thul Jalaali wal ikram
87 The Equitable Al Muqsitu
88 The Gatherer Al Jamiu
89 The Rich Al Ghaniyyu
90 The Enricher Al Mughni
91 The Preventer of Harm Al Maaniu
92 The Afflictor Adh Dhaaru
93 The Benefactor An Naafi'u
94 The Light An Nooru
95 The Guide Al Hadi
96 The Originator Al Badeeu
97 The Everlasting Al Baqee
98 The Inheritor Al Waarithu
99 The Righteous Teacher Ar Rasheedu
100 The Patient As Sabooru

So, one of the definitions of God is as Quran says:
Say: “He is Allah, the One and Unique; Allah, Who is in need of none and of Whom all are in need; He neither begot any nor was He begotten, and none is comparable to Him.” Quran (112: 1-4)
………………………….to be continued…………………


    I carefully read your post, but despaired. What you are trying to establish is the right God, the right religion and the right belief all that is Islam. Being how undemocratic your people towards the spectrum of religions and beliefs all over the world, I have to say nothing else but to call you all 'Religious Darwinists !!'

  2. Yes my dear friend, It's about the right God and Right way of life not to spread anything wrong. Do you feel that it's undemocratic? How can you say that the democracy is right and flawless for humanity? If somebody believes in democracy that is his religion.Some people are fanatic in democracy as well.
